Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber security awareness.

Protecting customer and sensitive data is a fundamental business function. With the huge amounts of electronic data that are moving around the Internet understanding the threats and what you can do to protect your business is critical. This course will give you an insight into how cyber criminals operate and the steps you need to take to avoid a data breach. Because a failure to adhere to the high standards required by regulators will have severe consequences, with fines and loss of customers commonplace.

Sign up for our training and we will ensure your staff know what to look for and what actions to take.

This is what delegates have to say when asked what they enjoyed about the training,

“It was a great course! I learnt a lot about how to protect myself and spread awareness to others on how to be safe online.”

“The whole office attended training with Colin again this year – pitched perfectly for those needing reminders and newbies. We all enjoyed the training and could understand and take on board the advice. A few days after attending the training one of our staff avoided a personal online scam – thanks to being made aware by Colin.”

To attain the necessary CPD certification it will be necessary for delegates to complete a quiz in their own time.

What you will learn

By the end of this training, you will be able to;

  • Identify the most common forms of cyber-attacks
  • Understand how to protect your business & implement practical solutions designed to prevent a data breach.

Why us?

  • Your trainer has over 40 years of investigative expertise and continues to conduct due diligence enquiries
  • Your training has been delivered to numerous businesses, globally and across multiple industry sectors
  • Your course is CPD certified
  • We bring reality to the classroom

This course will be tailored for your business with appropriate case studies, delivered by someone with hands on experience of cybercrime, risk and security.

This course is ideal as in-house training for your organisation and can be delivered in-house or via a series of online workshops.

Material has been developed, and will be delivered by, Colin Tansley, Managing Director of Intelect. 

In house workshop requirements:

  • Large HD Television or projector
  • Training room/boardroom
  • White board and/or flip chart

Online workshop requirements:

  • Access to Zoom
  • Cameras are to be activated by all delegates